10 Years of Aesthetica

A Retrospective

Aesthetica is 10 years old. It’s hard to believe that this publication started in a student flat in 2002, and that a decade has passed since we sat down and started planning exactly what we wanted our magazine to be. I still have that piece of paper. I look back at earlier issues when we were still finding our feet and I feel a certain nostalgia; perhaps I was just younger and that’s why I remember it fondly. There are so many stories, so many off-the-wall things that have happened in the process of building this publication, our film festival and Art Prize. In many ways, when I look back, I don’t even feel like the same person, but that’s what 10 years will do to you. It has been a voyage of discovery, and every day I learn something new. This is what I thrive on, so I’d like to thank you, our readers, and of course our fantastic team for a wonderful experience each and every day. The following images are a visual montage of some of our favourite features over the years.